07.19.2002, 10:12 p.m.

link me on yours and I'll link you on mine�

I'm going to get a present from justchris. He wrote about me in an entry once and I wrote about it before.

Speaking of people writing about me in their diaries, crazy-ol-tom has advertised my diary a few times, so I want to return the favor. Check it out. Great tales about university-life. And he's from Florida too, so he gets brownie points for that.

And friskypixie put a link to my diary in an entry about the Dr. Phil personality test I put in one of my entries.

Now I have a page full of links for everyone to visit. I'm sure there are other people that have linked to my diary in previous entries (wait, now I'm getting big-headed, because I don't know that other people have linked to my diary). I'm just saying that if you have advertised for me and I didn't mention your diary here, let me know and I will make sure to do so next time. Just send me an email, or note, or sign my guestbook. I like when people do that anyway. It makes me feel all warm and tingly inside. Well okay, maybe not, but it does make me feel special. Like people actually think I'm interesting enough to write to. Whatever, ignore me, I'm just getting a little weird, probably because I have PMS. But I get bored sometimes. And I like getting email from real people, instead of just stupid advertisements and spam.

Well, I guess I'll go and read some more diaries. I got behind in my keeping up with them in the past few days, because my mother has been here all week and I'm too tired to stay online long once she is done with the computer. But she's gone for the weekend and my brother is in New York until tomorrow night and Brian is at work all evening so I get the computer all to myself tonight. But I'm getting tired so I may not be on much longer.

I'm tired of being tired!

last - next

I can't believe - 11.22.2006
life sucks - 11.19.2006
alone and unhappy - 11.14.2006
please don't let it end - 10.15.2006
nothing to wear - 08.28.2006

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