11.20.2003, 8:42 p.m.

wheelchair accessible arcade games

You know what I was wondering about? How do people in wheelchairs play arcade games? Aren't the screens and buttons and such too high? Shouldn't they make them movable (up and down) so people can reach them from any height? And what about dwarfs and midgets? These are the questions we must ponder. Okay, maybe it's not a must, but I was just wondering. So many things these days are made to be accessible to people with disabilities, but what about arcade games? And phone booths� or do they even make phone booths anymore?

Anyway, I have a trainer's meeting tomorrow from 9-3. I don't understand how you can have a trainer's meeting for six hours, but hey, it's six hours of pay (maybe even trainer's pay) and I don't really have to work. So I'll be there. I work six days in a row starting tomorrow, so it'll be a good way to start off a long week. And I get Thanksgiving off, which just happened by chance, so I'm grateful for that. I like Thanksgiving because of the food. I really like Thanksgiving dinner. If I was on death row and had to choose my last meal, it would be Thanksgiving dinner, with turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and yams and lots of cranberry sauce. Like half a can, just for me. That's about how much I use. I love me some cranberry sauce.

I wonder how many times I've ended an entry with "I love me some (fill in the blank)"? This one did.

last - next

I can't believe - 11.22.2006
life sucks - 11.19.2006
alone and unhappy - 11.14.2006
please don't let it end - 10.15.2006
nothing to wear - 08.28.2006

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