09.12.2002, 5:16 p.m.

Land of the free; home of the brats

I'm alive� at least I think so. I didn't die at least. I just haven't gotten online in the past two days and I don't even have a good excuse. I've just been preoccupied, I guess. Not really even busy, I just haven't been online�

Nevermind, I really don't need to have excuses. Everything has been going well the past few days� ah, well no, that's not true. Well the past two days, but Tuesday I went off on my third period. That's the big class (35) with extra troublemakers. (I sound like I'm ordering dessert!) They were terrible. They come in late from lunch everyday with the same excuse, and I've told them that without a pass from the administrator in charge of their lunch that it's an unexcused tardy. Everyday they want to argue and Tuesday I got so fed up that I just started going off on them. I made them copy down all the rules, threatened to call the administrator and write up referrals on anyone who dared to open their mouth, and sent one out to the teacher next door (Mr. Rebel). They never spoke or moved the rest of the period. They've been better since then. And yesterday the administrator came in (at my request) and told them they don't have any excuse for being late unless they get a pass from him. So they've been tolerable. Besides, I like them. Although their behavior could use some improvent, the kids (even the bad ones) are generally nice and respectful, and they have good personalities and senses of humor. They simply lack self-control.

Anyway, yesterday I was so proud of them. I was proud of all the kids in the school. Before school starts each morning, I always walk to the office, which is about 6 miles away from my classroom (not really, but it feels like it). I pass by at least 100-200 kids along the way. Yesterday, September 11, I'd say about 85-90% of them were wearing red, white, and blue. No one told them to. It was not "spirit day" or "red, white, and blue day;" and no one said they would get extra credit for doing it. These are middle school kids. Kids at an age when nothing matters more than looking "cool." And wearing the American colors is not normally considered cool. These kids put their self-pride aside and showed pride for their country. I had chills walking through the halls. I was literally choking down a lump in my throat. Even the kids in my first period class were all wearing red, white, and blue, and only about four of them have lived in America for over a year. Most of them (the other 12) moved here since 9-11-01. That has to tell you something about this country. Even after everything that happened, people are still immigrating (or is it emigrating � I can never figure out which word to use) to America. Land of the free�

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I can't believe - 11.22.2006
life sucks - 11.19.2006
alone and unhappy - 11.14.2006
please don't let it end - 10.15.2006
nothing to wear - 08.28.2006

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