08.03.2002, 10:59 p.m.

never vote for a son of a bush

I don't know how, but I missed my hundredth entry. This is actually my 102nd entry, so as far as I can tell, this entry was the hundredth. Oh well.

I still have not caught up on reading all the entries I missed while I was in Minnesota. I read approximately 30 diaries on a regular basis, and all but one updated at least once during the time I was away. I'm trying, though. I'll catch up eventually.

Speaking of Minnesota, they recently made a law that parents have to pay for their kids to ride the school bus to school. I think that's so crazy. Up there, most kids ride the school bus because there are so many people who live in rural areas. There has to be other ways to get money for schools. That's like last school year when Dade county (Miami and surrounding areas) tried to make all the teachers work for free for two days. I don't know how that turned out, but I know the teachers had a big law suit over it. How many companies would force their professional workers to work for free? How many of those workers would still work for that company after that? That reminds me of a bumper sticker I've seen a few times that I really like. It's something like "It will be a great day when schools get all the money they need and the air force has to hold a bake sale in order to buy bombers." I probably did not quote it exactly right, but that's the idea.

I hate politics. Vote Democratic. Always. Not that it has anything to do with what I've been talking about, but do it anyways. And never vote for a Bush, no matter what. That was another bumper sticker I saw once that I liked: "Never Vote for a Son of a Bush."

last - next

I can't believe - 11.22.2006
life sucks - 11.19.2006
alone and unhappy - 11.14.2006
please don't let it end - 10.15.2006
nothing to wear - 08.28.2006

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