09.14.2003, 8:49 p.m.

withering wuthering heights

I am very bothered by the remake of the movie of Wuthering Heights that's playing on MTV right now. The book is my all time favorite book, and I know I'm overly critical of movie versions, but this movie is committing sacrilege. I bet Emily Bronte is rolling in her grave. They modernized it, which might have been okay if it had not been MTV doing it. The girls are skanky and the acting is bad. They shortened the characters' names to Cate and Heath, so the ever-famous line, "I am Heathcliff" was changed to a pathetic "I am Heath." The character of "Heath" is a rock star chased by girls; in the book, Heathcliff is cruel, nobody likes him, and he has no redeeming qualities like singing and playing guitar. The actors even admitted that none of them had even read the book. How can you accurately portray a character from a book that you've never read? Obviously you can't. I'd like to see a movie review of this movie to see what other people think of it. Not that it matters, because I think it sucks.

Oh, and the ending sucked, too. A lot more happens in the book after Catherine dies, it doesn't just leave you hanging, wondering if Catherine's daughter is Heathcliff's or Edgar's (who was renamed Edward in this movie).

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