09.04.2003, 11:22 a.m.

nightmares, Magic Kingdom, and puppy chewing

I keep reading other teachers' diaries about how school has started and how they're so excited to be back, and I just keep thinking that I'm so glad I don't have to go back this year. I don't know, maybe I would feel differently if I actually was going back, but I have had numerous nightmares recently about my class last year. Every time there's total chaos in the room and I'm desperately trying to get everyone to sit down and shut up and do their work, and they just laugh and continue the chaos. I'd be scared to go back.

I just got a call from Casting (the place at Disney that deals with hiring and transfers and such) and I'm getting transferred to Fantasyland in the Magic Kingdom. I chose to transfer, because I need to go to full time (part time hours don't pay the bills) and it would take a long time to get full time at The Great Movie Ride. Fantasyland was not my first choice -- I've heard it's really hectic and all the rides are the same to the person running them ("wait for the green light then push a button," is what one person told me). But I wanted to go to the Magic Kingdom, because it's the only Disney park I haven't worked at. I've heard mixed reviews about working at MK. Some people hate it and some think it's lots of fun. I guess I won't know how I feel until I try it.

Has anyone raised a puppy before? How do I get him to stop chewing on everything?! He's driving me crazy, and I'm worried about my stuff. I tell him no and push him away from what he's chewing on but he's back in two seconds. He has plenty of chew toys but he prefers my pant legs and the furniture and the walls (what's up with that?) and my cereal bowls that I leave on the floor for the cat to lick the milk. He loves those. He carries them around the house in his mouth. They're bigger than he is. And when I yell at him he gives me those big puppy dog eyes and I can't help but pick him up and smother him in kisses. Until he starts chewing on my nose, or my neck like he just did (and it hurt like a mother, too). So what do I do?

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I can't believe - 11.22.2006
life sucks - 11.19.2006
alone and unhappy - 11.14.2006
please don't let it end - 10.15.2006
nothing to wear - 08.28.2006

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