11.19.2003, 3:45 p.m.

address labels out the wazoo

So apparently the word is out with the people who send you letters trying to get you to donate to their charities that I need address labels. I have gotten about 500 address labels from various charities in the past month or so. Which is nice, because hey, who doesn't need address labels, but I kind of feel bad because I never donate. But they just keep sending them, so I figure they don't care that I'm not donating, they just like to send me free address labels. I get all kinds, too, the best ones I got were from the Children's Cancer Research Fund, they have holiday pictures on them. I've also gotten some from a Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (which also sent me Christmas gift labels), Paralyzed Veterans of N. America has sent them twice and also sent blank note cards with envelopes, some other kind of cancer society, and now State Farm sent me some just for being a customer. This would all be great if I hadn't bought a million of them (approximately) when I bought new checks about a month before they all started sending them. And like I said, I feel bad about using them considering I never send any money, but I honestly can't afford to give them money when I'm so hard up right now. And I figure since they already sent them to me, there's no use in wasting them. I really would donate if I had enough money to pay my own bills.

The banner ad above where I'm typing says "Carpet Diem: Seize the Rug" It would be funny and witty, except that carpet diem would actually translate (if carpet wasn't already in English) to "carpet day," not "seize the rug." Diem means day and carpe means seize. So if you wanted to say seize the rug, it would be "Carpe Carpet." It's still cute, and if I wasn't so anal about grammar and such, I probably wouldn't have noticed or cared. As I'm sure so many of you aren't (anal) and haven't (noticed).

My dog is wearing a hanger again.

You know, I don't watch Saturday Night Live all that often, especially the old episodes, but I've seen the "Jaws III" skit (with Lily Tomlin, Dan Akroyd, and some others) about six times in my lifetime. Seems like everytime I see an old SNL episode, there's a Jaws skit in it. Same one every time? I don't know. Was there more than one?

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I can't believe - 11.22.2006
life sucks - 11.19.2006
alone and unhappy - 11.14.2006
please don't let it end - 10.15.2006
nothing to wear - 08.28.2006

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