04.22.2003, 9:16 p.m.

Age: 23� Sex: Female� Religion: Jedi?

I literally got no sleep last night. If I did actually happen to get any at all, it was in increments of maybe 5 minutes at the most every hour or so. I know I looked at the clock at least 2-3 times an hour. So bear with me.

Okay, just to set the record straight, I am NOT an atheist. Uh� did I not say that I believe in God and Jesus and the resurrection? And in response to what "R" said in my guestbook (although most of this entry is in response to that), I never said I don't believe in religion, I believe I said that no one knows for sure which religion is the "correct" one, and that I believe each religion is right for its own followers.

That's first. Before I go to number two, let me put a little disclaimer here. Anything I say about religion is my beliefs. I'm not saying they are right or wrong, they are just what I believe (or don't believe). Sometimes the way I write or talk makes it sound like I know I am right and everyone who disagrees is wrong, but that's not what I'm trying to do. I just state my beliefs in my usual writing style and I apologize if it sounds demeaning or anything else. Like when I said that missionaries are the bane of many people's existences. That's my opinion, and I don't know if I'm right, but it may have sounded like I'm a know-it-all who hates religious people. Because I don't. And I didn't mean for it to come off that way. So, on to my "second of all."

Why do I have to choose between faith and science? I can believe in Jesus and not Adam and Eve if I want to. First of all, it's two separate testaments. I fully believe in the New Testament, and I don't go either way with the Old Testament. Not much of it can be proven with evidence other than the Bible (I mean physical proof). I think a lot of the Bible was changed with translation, but that's another story I'd rather not go into. Second, faith and science are not usually related, but I can have faith in God and believe He created the Earth and its inhabitants (which I do fully believe), I just don't believe that Adam and Eve were the first two people. Or maybe they were, but they were not created in the year that the Bible says they were created in, and they would not have been people, they would have been a lot less evolved than homo erectus. And what about dinosaurs? Where do they fit into the Bible? The Earth has been around a lot longer than the Bible says it has, and that has been proven by science (ie. physical evidence). I have no doubt in God and that he created the Earth; I only have doubts in the Bible, which was written and translated and retranslated by many men (mortal men, I might add).

Which leads me to the next point "R" made, that maybe I should not say I am a Christian. Maybe I shouldn't, but I certainly do not lead, or even have any desire to lead, a cult. But was Martin Luther a cult leader because he disagreed with the Catholic church and began his own religion? Are Lutherans a cult? I don't think anyone says that. And I do not want to start my own religion, considering most of my beliefs are the same as the Christian religion. Most of the time, I leave the "religion" part of a survey blank or pick "I choose not to answer."

From now on, when asked what my religion is, I will say Jedi. Hey, it's a possibility. This is from the Jediism website: "we believe that it would be a futile exercise for any belief system to claim to hold all the answers to all the serious questions posed to seekers of truth in the 21st century." That's what I believe. But I doubt I will become a Jedi anyway. And "R," the problem with not signing your name in my guestbook is that none of us who read mine can go and see yours, and see who you are. If you are so confident in yourself and your beliefs, why not share with people who you are? Not leaving a URL just looks like you are afraid of getting bad comments in your own guestbook. Which may not be true, I am just saying what it looks like. Besides, if you don't like what I write, you don't have to come back. But then again, you are more than welcome to stay and read some more.

That is all, I am tired. Oh, and everyone please sign my new guestmap.

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