04.27.2005, 9:55 p.m.

Idol schmidol.... I'm appalled at Americans

**********Warning!!! If you have American Idol taped or DVRed DO NOT READ THIS! This is about the person voted off the show last night, and I cannot take responsibility for you finding out who it was and not wanting to know yet**********

I am appalled at Americans. Constantine Maroulis should have been the winner of American Idol, and Americans allowed him to go home this week. Why? Probably they expected everyone else to vote for him so they didn't bother. But to vote for Scott? Give me a freakin break. He's been horrible the past few weeks, he should never have made it this far in the competition. They made a big deal about Fantasia having a child... this guy not only has a child, but has a criminal record! This is our American Idol? This is someone we want to see more of after the season is over? Not me, my friends. Bo is the only other contestant who deserves to win the competition. Carrie is a great singer but has no personality or stage presence, Vonzell has no originality, sounds like any other singer that's popular right now, and her voice is kind of annoying. Scott shouldn't have made it to the top ten, and Anthony is good, I like him, but he's not good enough to win. Every season something like this happens, last year it was Latoya, and they say, oh they can still make it, but do you hear about any of the other losers? Clay Aiken is the only one who didn't win who got famous, and he still was second. None of the others are still around. I'm totally appalled.

On a lighter note, I'm going to Vegas tomorrow. And Friday we're driving over to Disneyland for the day. I'm so excited I could spit. Maybe I'll spit twice... once in a good way, for my excitement and once in a bad way, for my pissed-off-edness about Constantine being voted off. Anyway, I have to be at the airport at 9am so I'm going to bed soon.

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I can't believe - 11.22.2006
life sucks - 11.19.2006
alone and unhappy - 11.14.2006
please don't let it end - 10.15.2006
nothing to wear - 08.28.2006

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