03.17.2006, 8:13 p.m.

better health and a new class

I wrote this on March 9:
So the sink is full of dirty dishes, I have about ten different shirts that I could wear to work tomorrow, if only one of them was already ironed... the floor is filthy from the mud that's been tracked in (oh yes, I currently live on a dirt road, and by dirt I mean the kind that becomes mud, not the gravel kind of dirt road, since the city decided to tear mine up and do some kind of work and then eventually repave it), I have to learn how to play the guitar by Tuesday (that's a whole other story...), and I can't breathe through my nose at all, and it hurts my throat to breathe through my mouth because I've been doing that for the past three days, and I have been through about three large boxes of tissues in those same past three days, even having to keep a tissue between my nose and the pillow when i sleep so as not to snot up my pillow. And I was actually well for about... a week? ....after being sick with a sinus infection for about a month, and the flu twice in that time. So I'm not in such great shape right now. I have never been more sick of being sick. And I take those stupid pills that say "take these when you first start feeling sick and then you won't get sick" or whatever, which is a lie, because I took them the first day my throat started hurting and here I am, ready to blow my nose clear off my face. The bottom of my nostrils is so chafed and sore that I can barely touch it, let alone wipe it or blow my nose. And I start a new job on Tuesday (which is why i need to learn how to play the guitar by then... i'll be the music teacher at my school for the rest of the school year, and the previous teacher was in the middle of teaching the kids how to play) and I could just fall asleep right now, if it weren't for that damn American Idol, which I have become addicted to, once again, for the fourth season in a row (i didn't watch the first season)...

Today, I feel much better (Happy Saint Patrick's Day, by the way). The sink is still full of dirty dishes and I still haven't done laundry and the floor is still dirty and the dogs need a bath... but other than that, I'm doing okay. Well, I would be totally fine, if I could just stop coughing. I don't cough anything up, it's just a hacking cough, which is worse than the kind where you cough stuff up, because I cough constantly and it's really hurting my head. And I still have to blow my nose a few times a day, but that's much better than a few times a minute like it was last week. And I'm doing really well with learning the guitar... I finished my first week of being the Music teacher at the elementary school I work at, and it went really well. I even was able to convince the kids that I knew how to play the guitar, haha. And I taught all the classes that I had this week a new song and some sign language to go with the song. So it's going really well. And all the other teachers and the principal all seem to be really impressed that I'm so flexible and adaptable. But the main thing is that I'm enjoying myself. Now, as long as they don't go hiring a new teacher for this class like they did with my last class... I don't care if they hire one for next year, I'm not planning on being the music teacher next year, but I am planning on doing this for the rest of this year because the principal told me I would. Then again, she told me the same thing about the Special Ed class that I was teaching...

Needless to say, I'm not getting TOO comfortable...

last - next

I can't believe - 11.22.2006
life sucks - 11.19.2006
alone and unhappy - 11.14.2006
please don't let it end - 10.15.2006
nothing to wear - 08.28.2006

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