08.24.2002, 6:11 p.m.

haircut and non-English-speaking middle-schoolers, yay!

You know what really drives me nuts? When the first tissue in the box won't come out without either a) shredding, or b) bringing 3 or 4 more with it.

I just got my hair highlighted and cut. The cut is a lot more noticeable than� wait, I have to spellcheck� okay, it's right. (sorry, that's the Language Arts teacher in me). Anyway, the cut is a lot more noticeable than the highlights. It's pretty short now, just below my shoulders, and layered at the bottom. I like it, and Brian likes it so I'm happy. I want to get some gel, because I actually liked it better when it was wet. But it won't stay wet, unless I carry a spray bottle around with me everywhere and spray it every 10 minutes or so. So I'll get some gel and then it can just look wet.

I went to the school this morning to get a little more done. I'm pretty much finished, I have to number the vocabulary books so I can give them out to the kids, but I really don't have to do that yet, since I'm not starting vocabulary until at least Wednesday. And that's about it. I need to go to Kinkos to make copies (the office wasn't open today) of my Discipline Plan, and I need to make more definite plans with all the classes except first period. They have so much paperwork to go over and sign and take home for parents to sign that we won't get much done the first day other than that. They don't have homeroom, so first period acts as homeroom. Which sucks, because they'll be a day behind the rest of the classes, but oh well. I have 3 ESOL classes (also known as ESL in other states), they're the kids who don't speak much English. Won't that be interesting, since I only speak English and about 6 words in Spanish (and I expect most of them to speak Portuguese). But most of them can understand, they just don't do very well with writing and such. Besides the ESOL classes, I also have an advanced class and a regular class. I figure I'm just going to do the same things with all of them, just expect different levels. And the advanced class will probably move faster than the others. Which is fine, I can test stuff out on them. If it's too difficult for them, I won't do it with the other classes.

Oh, I've written so much. I should go. I need to go to the store. Adios, amigos.

~Se�orita Jennifer

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