01.24.2003, 5:37 p.m.

You earn what you get; you get what you earn

Grades went in today. 20 kids are getting F's. It's sad, but they earned them. And I wouldn't be helping them any if I passed them. They're just going to get used to the idea of a teacher passing them just because, and they won't do anything again next quarter. I don't feel bad, though, the math teacher on my team gave out 25 F's. I hate saying "gave out F's" because there are very few teachers who actually "give out" grades. I, for one, am not one of those few. I may push someone over the edge if they are very close and actually worked throughout the semester, someone who truly earned passing rights but technically didn't pass. I fiddle with the numbers so it works out. Like, I'll give them 1 or 2 extra credit points. Maybe for "participation" or something like that.

Anyway, there were only a couple I did that for, because the ones who got F's really did earn them. Like this one boy (okay well it was the same with many, but this one really ticked me off). Leon sat in my class everyday doing absolutely nothing except breathing. I'm not exaggerating. He just sat there. Not talking, not sleeping, not writing notes to friends, just sat. On test days, he Christmas treed tests and usually got between 5% and 10%. Then, about two weeks ago, he gradually started doing work, starting with every third day, eventually doing work everyday. And copying off someone else's papers to get work done that was due about two months ago. Crazy thing is, about a week ago, I stopped putting grades in for this quarter and all the work for the past week is for next quarter. So most of the work he was doing in class didn't help him for this quarter at all. He ended up with about a 48%. I'm sure most of you know that 59% is the highest F you can get. So he failed pretty miserably. Then he had the nerve to come up to me yesterday and say, "So did I bring my grade up to a D?" I said, "No, you didn't; go inside and have a seat. Class has started."

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