01.15.2004, 8:32 a.m.

darn dogs

I hate getting up earlier than I plan to. I had to this morning. The stupid cell phone was beeping, an indication that the battery is low, in the living room. Most people could just go plug the phone in the charger, gt back in bed, and go back to sleep. I remember those days. Now I have two wolverines that have to eat the minute I get up or they follow me around and bug me until I feed them. And even feeding them is no big deal, but after they eat they have to go outside and be walked. They HAVE to. Otherwise, I catch them lifting their legs on whatever piece of furniture (or whatever else happens to be on the floor) that they decide to pee on. They're not bad, they just have to go pee, and if I don't take them outside to do it, they go wherever they can. So now, after having to get up and plug the phone in, feed the dogs and take them for a walk, I am now fully awake... and I don't want to be. I don't like waking up before 9:00 on a day off.

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nothing to wear - 08.28.2006

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