10.06.2005, 10:41 a.m.

back to school (again)

So now I'm getting yelled at by my friends for not updating enough, so I'll update while I'm sitting here not really doing anything. I'm planning on going out to the University of Central Florida today and getting information about going back to school to get a second bachelor's degree... I'm planning on going back to teaching next school year and I'm going to eventually have to finish taking the required education courses that I still need to be able to continue teaching once I get a teaching certificate. The whole thing is complicated to explain and I think I wrote about it once before and if I find it I'll add a link to it later, but for now I'll just leave it at I need to go take a quite few education courses over the next few years and I may as well get started as soon as possible. And since I'll be taking the classes anyway, I may as well get something tanglible out of it other than a teaching certificate that I'll already have anyway... the one I have until I finish my courses will just be a temporary certificate as opposed to a permanent one that I'll be able to get once I finish. Have I totally confused you? Because I understand the whole process and I've still succeeded in confusing myself.

Anyway, I'm tired of working at Disney. It's not Disney itself that I'm tired of, but I can't pay my bills (because I don't make enough money), I can't afford the gas it takes to drive 30 miles to and from work every day, and I'm starting to think that either Disney has lost it's magic and getten to the point where it's not much more than a giant business, or I'm the one that's lost the magic and just see it that way... I'm going to try to get a job as a teacher's aide at a local school for the rest of this school year. I don't think it pays much more than I make at Disney, but at least it will be closer to home, whixh will save me money on gas if nothing else.

So anyway, I'm hungry and after I find some food I'll be heading out to the school. School... yay.

last - next

I can't believe - 11.22.2006
life sucks - 11.19.2006
alone and unhappy - 11.14.2006
please don't let it end - 10.15.2006
nothing to wear - 08.28.2006

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