03.09.2005, 7:02 p.m.

I need to be rich

I've decided I've had it with my job. It's not the guests, it's not the people I work with, it's the system. And I know nobody likes "the system," but I refuse to play the game. The sucking up and constantly working your butt off because maybe, just maybe you'll get somewhere someday, or they'll continue to walk all over you till you quit game. The "you have to be careful of what you do and say all the time because you're only temporary" game. Well, I won't play. I only work to live anyway. I don't work because I want to... trust me, if I was rich I wouldn't work. And no, I wouldn't go crazy after a while. Because I, unlike most people apparently, can entertain myself doing what I please instead of going crazy and needing to have a job. I could get my house clean, I could go to aerobics classes, I could go take school classes, like to freshen up on some languages... like American Sign Language and Spanish. I could volunteer, I could even work part-time, but only because I wanted to, not because I had to. And if I didn't like it I could quit. I could travel to a million different places, I could read all the books I wanted, I could finally watch all the movies I've wanted to see but never have the time. The last movie I saw in the theater was Harry Potter 3, and that's only because I would not miss that one in the theater. I could get a tan (if it would warm up a little!) I could even learn how to cook (and that is something that would take a long time to do). I could stay out late and sleep in if I wanted to. I could hang out with my friends. I could hang out with my dogs. I could hang out with my husband. I need to be rich. I don't need a career to make me feel successful. My job is not even close to my number one priority. All I need is my husband and my family, and once I have and raise my children, my life will be complete. And if I was rich, life would be grand. I think I'll be rich someday. Until then... you know where to find me...

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I can't believe - 11.22.2006
life sucks - 11.19.2006
alone and unhappy - 11.14.2006
please don't let it end - 10.15.2006
nothing to wear - 08.28.2006

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